PISA 2021 Creative Thinking Drawing Tool

Refer to the information below and the design space on the right.

The 2021 PISA Creative Thinking domain will include a drawing tool that will be used to complete some of the questions. The information below provides an overview of each of the features available. Features included in the tool will vary by unit.

A recommended amount of time for completing specific questions will be provided. You will be notified when you have spent the recommended amount of time for the question.

Pointer: use this tool to select an element in the design space. You can then move, rotate, resize, change, and remove the colour of the shape or the outline of the shape.

Line: use this tool to select a type of line.

Shape: use this tool to select a shape.

Stamp: use this tool to select a stamp.

Text: use this tool to add text and to select font size.

Line Colour: use this tool to select the colour of a line or text.

Shape Colour: use this tool to select the colour of a shape.

Delete: to delete an element first use the pointer tool to select the element, then click on this tool.